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Alyssa , 32 y.o.

Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 39.
inactive user

Sorry that I haven't been able to write sooner, I'm almost a month behind on this reply :/ , sorry!!

They're from Ukraine, so I don't get to see them as much as I would like to!

Haha, yeah... lucky and poor! :) I'm going for a three day trip to Berlin, so yeah, maybe I've already used my quota for travelling this year?
When is she going? Hopefully not during the Autumn season, since the weather usually sucks here in Europe!

So how was your trip?
inactive user
I'm sorry that I'm late with this reply, I've just been hanging out with my uncle and aunt, they stayed with my mom for a couple of days, so I had to give them my undivided attention, since it was their first time in Denmark, and I don't get to see them that often.

Hehe, I have to travel at least 4 times a year, otherwise I'll lose my mind, or at least I think so...
Hopefully Paris will grow on her!! xD , my parents and uncle and aunt have just been there.

How have you been? And your trip is coming up - are you excited?
inactive user
I had a blast, without a doubt! :) - yup, it was only my friend and I, I reckon it would be a tad weird travelling with either one of our families, hehe.

Hear hear! :)
Ooh, did you get a chance to go abroad with your school? Well, she can totally look forward to Paris - nothing beats Paris!!
I can definitely recommend Greece, I've been there a couple of times, and it's great! As for Tokyo - want to visit one day, but it's far out in the future for me, hehe :)

Really? You'd think people would be more inventive by now, but I guess nothing beats tradition :)

-totally random, but how's the weather like in New York?
inactive user
Thank you, it's good to be back! :)

As for a cliff notes version of my trip; So we (my goody good friend from elementary school, Lina) started out by boarding a plane to Helsinki, where we stayed for one night - Helsinki was such an awesome city, really reminded me of Berlin, and the weather was amazing. From Helsinki we boarded a ship to Tallinn, where we stayed for 3 nights - Tallinn was amazing, so much to see and yeah... a really lovely city. And lastly we took a plane from Tallinn to Riga, where we spent one night - Riga was okay, but definitely my least favourite city out of the three, and it was crappy weather, so maybe that affects my opinion, but what the heck - so all in all, an amazing trip and very memorable! In Tallinn there were a lot of drunks (apparently I blocked all those memories of Eastern European lifestyle a looong time ago - good to know that my defense mechanism work!) and dozens of skanks - so basically it was heaven for people, who have low standards and no self-esteem! :)

Hehe, it always feels like that when one has exciting plans!

So Marie huh? That's a very nice middle name, very classy! I like it! :)
inactive user
So I'm back...from outta space - haha, felt like channeling Gloria Gaynor :) - anywho, how have you been?

Haha, right - well, if that excuse makes him cope better, then to each his own :) , but secretly he's jealous - I mean, c'mon how can he not be? :)
In August - that's weeks away, aah - well, only 2 weeks, but yeah... still sounds like it's far away in the future :/
I'm sorry that you're hating on the job, especially since you work all the time!

Nah, it's only a vacation with a elementary schoolfriend of mine - so merely pleasure and not a school thing! :)

I've added you!
inactive user
Hey I'm secretly a super hero and I'm recruiting people to get on the good side against evil and perverts and I was wondering if you are interested to join us you get a cape and whatever you want :D
inactive user
DC Comics are pure awesomeness :D I'm a big video gamer ( rpg's, racing, retro, fighting, shooting games you name them all games) I'm Dominic by the way nice to meet you
inactive user
Well, I quite like it - it shows me who my future life will turn out, if I don't settle down...eventually... so it keeps me connected to my future, and serves as a warning, as to not becoming a cat lady! :)

Nooo! He only hates him, because he's jealous of Johnny Depp, hehe :)
Haha, I agree - no matter what horrible film he has starred in, I have to see it, because he's in the credits! :)

So when are you going to Disney World? Hopefully soon - it already seems to me that you work too much, girl! ;)

Aah, 16 - well, it's not the easiest age!
Hear hear!

So I leave for Finland, Estonia and Latvia tomorrow and I'll be back the 15th - just so you know that I'm not suddenly ignoring you or something, hehe :)

Ooh, by the way - do you have Facebook? It's just I'm much more of an Facebook addict than I am an Interpals addict, so it would be easier to also keep in touch on Facebook ;)
inactive user

Sorry for the belated reply - between finishing up my internship, I also had to house-sit/cat-sit for my friend.

2 years - wow, that's a long time! Haha, Johnny - nice, it would give me the perfect opportunity to picture Johnny Depp everytime :D ,hehe! I have a somewhat unhealthy obsession with Johnny Depp! xD

How old is 'little'? :) - yeah, it would bust the speeding curve if they realized that being a grown up isn't what's it cranked out to be!
inactive user
Haha :)

Yeah, you right about that one! But you like living in the US?
Haha, yeah... that has also happend to me a couple of times in the past, though I hardly doubt it, but still - it's nice that you get along with them, and that they like you! It would make the relationship difficult, if you didn't get along with them or they didn't like you... So how long have you been together with your boyfriend? What's his name by the way? :)

I have an older brother, though he acts like he's the youngest sometimes! :) - you get along with your sister?
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