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Lanman, 48 y.o.
Melbourne, Australia [Current City]



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Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 21.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 7, 2012
Thank you!!
Reply - Conversation - Aug 28, 2012
I like rock, "sertanejo" (kind of Brazilian rythm) a bit of classic. Actually, a bit of everything but funk lol
Reply - Conversation - Aug 27, 2012
Hello, what kind of music do you play/ like?
inactive user
hello :) thank you for your message! I am glad that you like my pictures, I am still into analogue photography , so I do love films and old cameras! can I see also your pictures? greetings from Greece!
inactive user
What Chu talking about Willis! Golden Girls! Woah Woah Woah! U mean those prehistoric dinosaurs! U still remember them! Wowwwah! Ur Ancient! Haha LMAO jk. So am I! Cause Damm I still remember them! My fav was betty white! That chick still rock w her grannie white fro! She prob rocks granny panties in the shape of depends! LMAO! I dread the days that I'll come to that age! Hopefully, porter potties such as Depends will come in pink colors cross my fingers that they don't come in pastel cartoons! Otherwise, welcome to my 2nd childhood! Gheesh! U got me!
inactive user
Well damm.. what else U don't know! ;)
How's Melbourne?? Must be nice.. I don't have much info on it but its looks like its popping like popcorn in a microwave! Enjoyable. Must be nice in order words.. (but I don't eat popcorn, must be weird tht I've mentioned tht huh!??) ;))

Xo from So Cali (Southern California)
inactive user
Merci. I had years of searching and every week I'm reading about it. I love it! Archeology, history, interior designs, business, philosophy and fashion my favorite things. Particularly making money!!
Reply - Conversation - Aug 17, 2012
Thanks for the visit!
inactive user
haha I have never heard anyone say they were too lazy to copy n paste !! Now, that is lazy lol. Very nice profile !!!!
Reply - Conversation - Aug 15, 2012
I'm into the Bossa Nova and Samba.
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