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Joon, 32 y.o.
Brantford, Canada [Current City]

Looking for

Flirting and romance

Joined 9 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 13.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 2, 2015
no. it's fresh and getting colder.
I'm waiting for fall season.
inactive user
hey,welcome to Interpals!
Reply - Conversation - Sep 1, 2015
Hi:-) how are you?
inactive user
I think so I'm with you 100% so I worried about choice of nation kkk
I have enough time so I'll think about many things
I'll stay at abroad long months as soon as possible

Yup. When I get back to Korea, I'll effort
I'll meet foreign friends and calling and so on
it's no game :((( hahaha
inactive user
Ok....i see.
inactive user
Nice:D Will you be a doctor? you have great aim
I don't have aim. I just want to learn English abroad
What's cons in NZ? I heard there are many Korean in Canada so I decided to go to NZ kk. but I think there are many Korean in NZ.....

Where are you going to go for a trip?
inactive user
Why? Are you have Insomnia?
inactive user
I am fine. Thanks. How are you?
inactive user
Hi nice to meet you.
inactive user
Ah 번데기!
When I was young I often ate it... But I never eat 번데기 anymore after I had realized worm. it's terrible.....:(
Acutally My major was medical administration kkk
my job is interesting than my major:)

I like BBQ.. yummy yummy :d
Really? so you'are Canadian now right? I worried about language study abroad
Canada vs New Zealand. But I almost decided to go to NZ

Still My English skill is bad So although My english is NOT correct, understand me
my English is Korean-english
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