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Krista, 34 y.o.

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 640.
inactive user
yup :)
inactive user
You better be right. I'm holding you to it.
inactive user
oh, and we're friends. i just noticed dat.
inactive user
5:4 is not a real time. i remember i typed 45:45am first. i fail at time.
inactive user
it's 5:4am and i'm awake for the day. i hate my life.
inactive user
hey, I really donĀ“t think you remember me, but well, I was going thru my previous wall comments and I found one of yours and I was curious about who you were, because I have the shittiest memory ever, I dont even remember what I had for lunch yesterday you know?.. hahaha

how you been? nice to meet you again.. haha

inactive user
Salinger quote and a VERY HIGH compatability on Good work, little lady.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 6, 2010
sup with u? :)
Reply - Conversation - Dec 18, 2009
I always imagine the writer of the all-caps as having both eyebrows raised. So, to me, your brows are raised. Raised to high heaven.

The title of the novel about me? (I just spent about 15 minutes writing and deleting literary puns. I couldn't settle upon one I liked.)

Why is The Turn of The Screw so often taught in literature classes?

It's the Quintessential ghost story.


Tokyo Drift.
inactive user

haha let's see if you even check this site anymore. hopefully =]
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