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Clara, 27 y.o.
Paris, France [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals


Bachelor's degree

Joined 10 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 401.
inactive user
Qui est votre écrivain français préféré?
inactive user
Of course, German literature is amazing too. But I think we can narrow it down to under 5 countries that produced the best literature in the world.
inactive user
In general, the French people have a history that they can be proud of until World War I. That is my opinion. In addition to history, the greatest writers and poets in the world, maybe with the exception of Russian literature. It is hard to say where the better literature comes from, but definitely from one of those countries.
inactive user
Yes, we can all learn a bit more about history. The last time I was in Paris, I bought a book called Histoire de la France pour les Nuls. 😂
inactive user
Yes, of course many things have changed here, and we are less free and more cramped together now, but I think that original pioneering spirit is still alive in people who live here, even if it is a bit naive at times.
inactive user
Right, but people in North America are friendlier most of the time. I have my own theory. It could be wrong. Maybe it is because we have more space, more opportunity, etc.
inactive user
Merci, je n‘étais pas sûr. I have a little experience with French people, and they were nice. I worked at a French school in Poland. The French Canadians are bien sympa. :)
inactive user
Basic French girl, but kinda nice. I wonder if the other French girls are nice. It sounds like they may be a little cranky.
inactive user

Hogy vagy? Thank you so much for your visiting my profile!
Greetings from Japan.

Reply - Conversation - Aug 27, 2017
bon anniversaire! ;)
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