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Krista, 32 y.o.

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 5 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 128.
inactive user
toi intialais mies joka on jutelly sulle mua alempana on aika hot
inactive user
inactive user
hahah en mä halua miestä! hah TORTUT KOSTUUU TORTUT KOSTUU, mitä??
inactive user
nahka vyöllä
inactive user
inactive user
kista kistakista piimääää, pontikkaaaaaaaaa penaltyyshot!! hey ya know
inactive user
kista hei suut makiaks ja mahat kipiäks!
inactive user
ime parsaa!
Reply - Conversation - Jan 11, 2010
my friend,
friendship share there knowlege and share there life experience,there fore i like make friend in all over the world. i 'm srilankan,my culture is different from other country there fore i like share my life experience and knowlege with u..........
inactive user
having fun with friends;charting ect.
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