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well good luck to you ^^ i'm sure you'll have a great experience here in america hehe
i don't have fb :< i deleted mine a few months ago

aww i really wna go to Paris lol, well France in general,,
yep last year before univ =)
hmm i honestly don't know what to suggest you; you'd have to talk with your high school counselor :| but you could! or you could study uni in california (SF) :) i think going to uni here is a MUCH better experience than coming here just for high school

Merci beacoup pour votre aide! Je l'apprecie vraiment!
Aussi merci pour le website, cest assez utile!
Wow vous faites beacoup de travail!Connaissez-vous des spectacles intéressants français, je pouvais regarder?
Je suis daccord cest tres bon pour regardes les programmes!
Oh mon dieu, serieux? Tu est tres heureux , je veux vraiment aller a Disneyland Paris lol, ca vous plait?
Thank you very much for your help!I really appreciate it! Also thanks for the website, cest quite useful! Wow you do a lot of work!Do you know any french shows that I could watch ( dramas, series, that I could find online? ) ? I agree that tres good to watch programmers!
Oh my god, seriously? you are so lucky! I really want to go to disneyland paris ,d you like it?
B x
Aussi merci pour le website, cest assez utile!
Wow vous faites beacoup de travail!Connaissez-vous des spectacles intéressants français, je pouvais regarder?
Je suis daccord cest tres bon pour regardes les programmes!
Oh mon dieu, serieux? Tu est tres heureux , je veux vraiment aller a Disneyland Paris lol, ca vous plait?
Thank you very much for your help!I really appreciate it! Also thanks for the website, cest quite useful! Wow you do a lot of work!Do you know any french shows that I could watch ( dramas, series, that I could find online? ) ? I agree that tres good to watch programmers!
Oh my god, seriously? you are so lucky! I really want to go to disneyland paris ,d you like it?
B x
Yup :) The world would be a better place if everyone swam :)
J'adore nager aussi :) please tell me i spelled that right lol my french isn't too good
Salut! Et o mon dieu , votre angalis est tres genial- hi! and oh my god, your french is really great!
D'abord , merci beacoup et merci pour le corrections! Ils sont tres utile!-Firstly, thank you very much and thanks for the corrections!They are very useful!
Mais vtore anlglais etait parfait!
premeirment, etes vous sur vos vacances maintenant?et ou habites tou?
B x
D'abord , merci beacoup et merci pour le corrections! Ils sont tres utile!-Firstly, thank you very much and thanks for the corrections!They are very useful!
Mais vtore anlglais etait parfait!
premeirment, etes vous sur vos vacances maintenant?et ou habites tou?
B x
hehehe, why thank you, Sarah! :)
My names Belinda and I speak fluent english and would be happy to help you with the language.Also Im learning french and would really apopreciate some help - ce est tres terrible en ce moment!
B x
My names Belinda and I speak fluent english and would be happy to help you with the language.Also Im learning french and would really apopreciate some help - ce est tres terrible en ce moment!
B x
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