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Keepswimming, 30 y.o.
Paris, France [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice

Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 13 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 12.
inactive user
aww that would be soo amazing! and you know it'd be the same if you came to visit California =)
inactive user
hey sry for the late reply!!
well good luck to you ^^ i'm sure you'll have a great experience here in america hehe
i don't have fb :< i deleted mine a few months ago
inactive user
wow you sing at church?? that's so cool! :o

aww i really wna go to Paris lol, well France in general,,

yep last year before univ =)
hmm i honestly don't know what to suggest you; you'd have to talk with your high school counselor :| but you could! or you could study uni in california (SF) :) i think going to uni here is a MUCH better experience than coming here just for high school
inactive user
i'd say SF is a city where you can do a whole bunch of stuff and the people are all really chill =) on weekends, i'll sometimes go get lunch with my friends or go to museums or parks, shopping at union square, or just hang around; i think you should come! but i wanna go to France so much :( what do you do on weekends?
Reply - Conversation - Aug 6, 2011
Merci beacoup pour votre aide! Je l'apprecie vraiment!
Aussi merci pour le website, cest assez utile!
Wow vous faites beacoup de travail!Connaissez-vous des spectacles intéressants français, je pouvais regarder?
Je suis daccord cest tres bon pour regardes les programmes!
Oh mon dieu, serieux? Tu est tres heureux , je veux vraiment aller a Disneyland Paris lol, ca vous plait?

Thank you very much for your help!I really appreciate it! Also thanks for the website, cest quite useful! Wow you do a lot of work!Do you know any french shows that I could watch ( dramas, series, that I could find online? ) ? I agree that tres good to watch programmers!
Oh my god, seriously? you are so lucky! I really want to go to disneyland paris ,d you like it?

B x
Reply - Conversation - Aug 4, 2011
Yup :) The world would be a better place if everyone swam :)
Reply - Conversation - Aug 4, 2011
J'adore nager aussi :) please tell me i spelled that right lol my french isn't too good
Reply - Conversation - Jul 31, 2011
Salut! Et o mon dieu , votre angalis est tres genial- hi! and oh my god, your french is really great!
D'abord , merci beacoup et merci pour le corrections! Ils sont tres utile!-Firstly, thank you very much and thanks for the corrections!They are very useful!
Mais vtore anlglais etait parfait!
premeirment, etes vous sur vos vacances maintenant?et ou habites tou?
B x
Reply - Conversation - Jul 26, 2011
hehehe, why thank you, Sarah! :)
Reply - Conversation - Jul 26, 2011
My names Belinda and I speak fluent english and would be happy to help you with the language.Also Im learning french and would really apopreciate some help - ce est tres terrible en ce moment!
B x
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