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Kallima, 32 y.o.
Tokyo, Japan [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 91.
Reply - Conversation - Jul 7, 2020
Hi, i could teach spanish
inactive user
Hola me llamo yugo. Quiero practicar espa
inactive user
I hope we exchange languages.
Reply - Conversation - Dec 9, 2015
Hello ! How are you ?
Reply - Conversation - Nov 15, 2015
Hi!!! Thank you for your kind message!
He vivido en Alicante , cerca de Valencia !
Y tu vives en París? Lo siento mucho de lo que ha pasado.
Espero que estés muy bien!
Reply - Conversation - Sep 20, 2015
Third version, episode, that's the same x) But I completely agree with you! RCT 2 is the best of the serie! =D Even if the extensions Wacky Worlds and Time Twister were a bit weird =p
And yes, RCT 4 is on its way, it's called RollerCoaster Tycoon World and this seems to be the next gen but I'll see =)
Reply - Conversation - Sep 20, 2015
A bit stupid from me to have asked this question as you wrote it to me... x) The real question now is: are you still playing it or you switched to the third episode? ;) Or maybe the next one =)
Reply - Conversation - Sep 18, 2015
Oops, pushed the button too quickly. No need to ask you if you played it, do I? ;)
Reply - Conversation - Sep 18, 2015
Hey hey hey! =) Of course I played RCT younger! ;p All real coasters fans have played this beautiful game, especially the second one which was the best ;) Too bad I have no time nowadays to spend more and more time in my own park =]
Reply - Conversation - Feb 24, 2015
Hola , saludos desde México me gustaría aprender ingles charlando y claro yo te ayudaría a prender nuestro idioma el español mexicano saludos. My name is Eduardo , i am mexican student, i want to learn English
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