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Jistina, 30 y.o.
Stockholm, Sweden [Current City]


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Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 14 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 102.
inactive user
Thanks. :D
inactive user
Sorry for being so negative. :P I should be happier I guess.
inactive user
Friends just break hearts. =/ I hate them.
inactive user
I'll keep my fingers crossed in hope that I make some more new friends who are like me.
Do you have a lot of friends?
inactive user
Well I don't like social situations, and I hate drinks and drugs. I'm doing my best not to let others get me down. I need to accept my differences. But it's hard to find people like me.
inactive user
In all honesty, yes, most people my age can drive and drive themselves to work, school, and they party and get drunk and high. I don't do any of those things though. :S I feel really out of place.
inactive user
I hope I get used to school too. I don't understand how people my age work, hang out with friends, and do good in school all at the same time. It's crazy.
inactive user
School isn't very good for me. I don't like my teachers and don't feel motivated to do the work. :( But I have made new friends, I guess that's the only really good part. How about you?
inactive user
Lol, well I don't know what the usual seasons are there. Here, snow is from late December to early February usually.
inactive user
Well, what do you expect? You're in Sweden. xD It's getting colder here.
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