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Jacky, 36 y.o.
Toronto, Canada [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals


Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 22.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 11, 2012
Hey Jacky!
Tu veux parler Français?
I'm coming to Toronto in september to pass the TOEFL exam , I would like to speak with people living there so that they could give me advise on what to see etc.
I'm François from France BTW...
Are people friendly there?
A bientôt
inactive user
Hahahaha no way no way!!!!! LOL!!! YOU SAID "YOLO"!!!!!!! hahaha you just made my day :)
inactive user
:) Hello! Nice to meet u Jacky!
We surely can be friends ^^
inactive user
Salut :D
J'habite dans la ville de Québec :P
(Quebec city) hehe ! As-tu déjà visité ici ?
Mais pendant l'été je vais déménager à Toronto ! ^^
Until when is your break ? Lol I'm just chilling and partying ;P
Et toi ? ;)
inactive user
Reply - Conversation - Dec 24, 2011
Salut salut salut aussi ^^ hehe
It's okay for " the slow reply" I can understand I have to study for my exams nowaday >O<

Pour les vacances? hmm bah j'étudie T_T j'ai pas le choix! No fun for these hollidays T_T
et toi?

Sorry for my" Frenglish" message... what language i have to use? xD
Français pour t'aider?
inactive user
Coucou ^^ Je suis contente que tu m'a répondu ^^

Pour les vacances rien de vraiment spécial ^^ Noel en famille et Nouvelle an entre amis ^^ Et toi ?
Reply - Conversation - Dec 23, 2011
Hey !
c'est mieux de parler avec des Français que d'étudier la langue dans des livres ...
Nice to meet you too :D
inactive user
haha Hello Toronto! It's not too bad here in Stoon, only -6 C here, how is the weather your way?
Reply - Conversation - Nov 26, 2011
coucou ~~ ça va bien? you need help in french ? I can help you if you want ! Anyway , Just passing by =D
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