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Liz, 29 y.o.
Hailey, United States [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 212.
inactive user
happy birthday liz! hope u have a nice one
Reply - Conversation - May 24, 2012
Oh gosh... another late reply from me. Sorry! T_T

But I'm glad you had fun. Hehe. ^^
I hope you did well on your exams.

I've finished my finals and at the moment I'm currently looking for a summer job.
A girls gotta have $$$ if she wants to go shopping or travel, you know? Hehe. :)

Oh and you didn't get to finish your message... :(
Where are you going? I'm curious! :D
inactive user
i love her she is so cute^^
inactive user
hi nice to meet you too ^^
my name is huyen
inactive user
Big Bang concert? Where are they going to be at? o.o

Dang gurl, where you getting all that moola from

btw exo exo exo? xD

Ahhh no, sadly haha. just normal hanging out with friends and... assignments. -__-
Reply - Conversation - Apr 25, 2012
ohh the feeling when it's so hot that u can wear shorts *.* its getting warmer here too, finally! *-*
inactive user
Urah teally long time
oh japan ? cool and have fun !

Anyway im just on exam in univ so give me luck haha
anyway tomorrow midterm is.will finish
Reply - Conversation - Apr 20, 2012
Hey~ sorry for this SUPER late reply~ >.<
I've been so busy.
But sounds like you had a blast at FT Island and CN Blue's concert. :D
How have you been?
inactive user
long time no talk

whats new ? :)
inactive user
Haha did you lose your voice screaming? xD
Sounds like Hongki's your fav :p

Whoa, that issss expensive. O_o

Why do you say that? What did you do during your break?
And don't be jealous. I'll be spending most of my time studying and doing assignments. ~_~
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