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Irma, 29 y.o.
Sidoarjo, Indonesia [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 276.
inactive user
Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Irma..
I see... :)
No problem dear. :)
inactive user
Again where are you Irma!? huh!? ><
Reply - Conversation - Aug 4, 2013
hahaha hai senpai ^^ wkwk
nice to see you too :)))
inactive user
Yeeeeeeeessssss... ><

So soooooooooooooooon!! mine is about Oct.
inactive user
A month later.
Yeah you're right, I can just pray to him. =)
Hey! What do you do? When is your uni start?
inactive user
Humm.. I like pharmacy and optometry more. but I don't know I can accept in one of them or not. >< I hope accepting in the. ><
inactive user
Yes, I am. =)
Yes the result came. I don't know how is it. I'll choose pharmacy, medicine, optometry, physiotherapy, nutrition and so on.. I don't know which one of them I'll be accepted in. =/
inactive user
No no no! No way! You are still a KID! =P lol
Reply - Conversation - Aug 2, 2013
Selamat Ulang tahuuunn :D I greet you in every social-network
:* semoga masih ttep merasa awet muda (g kerasa 18 thn, pengennya 16 thn aja :D)
inactive user
Still a Kid!! :PPPP I'm 19! hehe..! :D ;D
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