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russian man from Kazakhstan seeks penpals in the world!collecting.i like rock.snail mail only.Alex.
interesting about sign languages i never know any. can you tell me more?
I am deaf guy! I live in the US. I am Korean guy and my family is adopted me when I was a baby..
I can use my ASL and typing in English. I know very few basic words in Russian. :O
I am deaf guy! I live in the US. I am Korean guy and my family is adopted me when I was a baby..
I can use my ASL and typing in English. I know very few basic words in Russian. :O
Would be nice to hear from you
Thanks for dropping by^^
Hola! Em dic Yuji, sóc brasiler, i he vist que t'interessen les llengües de signes. Saps la LSC? Fa molt de temps, vaig fer un curs de Libras (Língua Brasileira de Sinais), però resulta que sóc massa tímid i la meva coordinació motriu i noció d'espai no són gens bones, així que, tot i passar-me hores davant del mirall practicant-ho, no me'n vaig sortir gaire. I bé, com que no la vaig fer servir mai, se'm va oblidar ja el poquet que n'havia après. Per cert, aquí tens un diccionari molt interessant de Libras (semblant al Sématos): http://www.acessobrasil.org.br/libras/ Una salutació!
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