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Halimaaaaa, 30 y.o.
Houston, United States [Current City]

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Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 585.
inactive user
No I'm not. I'm extremely amazing.
Haha, I'm just kidding.

Yeah haven't been around here for a month of so. It kind of varies when I'm around. We can also talk on facebook if that's easier for you ;)

How are you today Halima? :)
inactive user
Hey texas babe (:

It's been a hugeeeeeeeeeee while since we talked. I have got no idea why we suddenly stopped talking. We should start over.

Hi. I'm Sebastian. You're nice. I'm especially using this since you're such a grammar-nazi ;) How have you been? :)
inactive user
Happy Birthday!!!!!! ^.^
inactive user
OMG >.<
Hey (a)
how are you?
Reply - Conversation - Sep 26, 2010
Nothing ..
inactive user
whore, i miss you too.
how's life? >.<
Reply - Conversation - Jul 11, 2010
:OO Heyy ! :D <3
inactive user
i konw
do yuo want for you ?
inactive user
i put you on there O:
but but but
i put other people on there. and it took up like half the profile xD
inactive user
i don't have a boyfriend anymore so you might wanna take away that part O.o
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