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Alina, 29 y.o.
Pontoise, France [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 178.
inactive user
Well i think they are or they're just sick of writing letter or they ahte Bulgaria or something :D I don't know :)) So from how long have you been doing snail mail?:))
inactive user
nice to hear that^^
inactive user
inactive user
kinda tired
and I'm just studying @.@
and what are you doijg ? ;(
inactive user
yaeh^^i like
inactive user
thanks.. :b
don't know :'(
but so afraid of something..
how are you today ?
inactive user
You're name is nice as well :))
Yeah,i'm interested especially to have snail mail friends from France...It's really hard to find person from there who likes writing letters :X:X ... I don't know why,but every person from France has never wrote me back :D :)
inactive user
i'm fine*-*
inactive user
Hey.Nice to meet you,i'm Hrisy :))
So you're interested in snail mail? :)
inactive user
hello,alina.. :)
I'm sueun ^^
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