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Gard, 37 y.o.
Bangkok, Thailand [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice

Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 1230.
Reply - Conversation - Jul 11, 2012
i guess thats a song in russian:)
inactive user
Long time indeed! How have you been Gardy?
I was out of town for the past 8 days, I almost thought you didn't log in here anymore...
Hope to hear from you again.. =)
inactive user
Happy 2012 Gardy! Best wishes to you in this new year! Cheers!
inactive user
Central world khubbbbbb :']
inactive user
Where you will going to Countdown?
inactive user
Happy New year xD
inactive user
Yes i live in Bangkok :'] but for me i think weather is cold o~O
inactive user
I'm normal and you Thai girl?
inactive user
Hello Thai Girl ;D
inactive user
Hi Gardy, if you create your own ModelMayhem account, they require

4 good quality pictures of youself... include a photo of your face, a full body picture... 100 words describing yourself.. and I think that's it. =)

Let me see what I can do with your photo and I'll let you know... I'll send my email address in a message.
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