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Fransilvion, 31 y.o.
Moscow, Russia [Current City]



Looking for

Language practice
Flirting and romance


Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 247.
Reply - Conversation - Nov 2, 2011
inactive user
У меня тоже все классно))
Дааа! Я буду режиссером!! ГУКИ, специальность "режиссура кино и тв"!!
В-общем, я очень рада, меньше чем через неделю уже еду в Питер ))
inactive user
yeah earning credits to go to uni (:
inactive user
hahahaha im sorry its all so confusing for you

ok so when you turn five you go to primary starting at what we call year 1 then when your 6 your year 2 and so on until you get to year 8

at year 9 you leave to high school fromyear 9-10 they get you ready to start earning credits for universtity
from years 11-13 you start ncea

hope that was a little more helpful haha
inactive user
When u get to high school u stay there for 5 years doing NCEA which gives you credits you gain credits by sitting internals and external assessments.every year you have to get 80 credits and so many have to be from English and maths (:
inactive user
Sydney all the way!
inactive user
Who knOws I might just become a professional pole dancer JK! Im kidding haha(:
inactive user
I've been to Australia twice ( Sydney,cairns)
inactive user
inactive user
I live not far from Christchuch (:
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