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Fenice23, 34 y.o.
Genoa, Italy [Current City]



Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 103.
inactive user
hi!how are you!
I am Japanese, but now in Genoa!
Reply - Conversation - Aug 16, 2013
hi sweetie how are you today i believed all cute for me ok i was here on a search for a nice lady i can build a friendship, relationship that can lead to something more good i find your profile and it was so interesting please can you give me your time so we can know friends, i patiently wait to hear from you
inactive user
Me too, hopefully some small road trips or something will be planned. Things always seem to quiet down over the holidays.
Do you celebrate them at all? We do Christmas in our family but we're not religious. Haha I never know what I want for Christmas.
inactive user
How exciting, any big plans for the holidays? Does your family go somewhere or get together? I wish I could jet somewhere cool for this winter break. Oh really, I used to work in a bank. This work situation seems to be the same no matter where you find yourself. Best of luck.
inactive user
Hello again,

Now it is me who must apologize for my lateness.
I'm great, just one more week in school until semester is over.
Oh yes, do you enjoy it? What type of law?
Is that your passion?


p.s. I'm on skype or facebook much more if you would rather respond through there.
inactive user
Change is a good thing. I saw a quote once that said "Diapers and Politicians should be changed regularly for the same reason."

France, ah I love Paris. Germany was fun too. I've been all over Europe, and North/Central, with only a few countries visited in South America. Its an addiction really.

Do you study? I'm finishing what we call community college here and will be transferring on to University to study Cultural Anthropology.
inactive user
Like wise, so what happens now? Anything is better then before right. Politics gets old so quickly. Lets talk about something else. Have you traveled else where? I haven't been to Italy yet, but would love to go one day.
inactive user
Hello from California!
Congratulations, no more Berlusconi!
inactive user
hey how are you doing?
i would like learn this your language hehe
how is your life there?
inactive user
yea exactly
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