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Rebecca, 34 y.o.
Burgess Hill, United Kingdom [Current City]


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Joined 1 month ago, profile updated 8 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 8 of 8.
Reply - Conversation - Mar 7
Hmm, I suppose alternative havens are a magnet that the mainstream gets drawn towards a half generation or so later. And maybe it gets replaced by some other alternative haven somewhere else that maybe the original alternatives are too old to join.

Maybe goths and metallers didn't get enough credit for basically being nice people. I think my mum probably crossed the road to avoid them, or even spoke to one or two who then became in her mind the rare example of a nice but frightening looking sort of person.

I wonder what they have been replaced by though. I don't know any underground music scenes. Maybe the internet is responsible for this by giving people an easy option for avoiding real life
Reply - Conversation - Mar 7
I've seen some incredible Soul Calibur cosplays in recent years, especially for Ivy and Tira.

Haha, Voldo was a lot of fun to play just because his outfits were so outlandish and his movements were unpredictable.
Reply - Conversation - Mar 7
I don't play Soul Calibur much these days but I used to quite a bit back in the day. Voldo was my main but I was decent with Nightmare and Cervantes.
Reply - Conversation - Mar 6
Lili's flips are a thing of beauty! Do you play Soul Calibur, too?
Reply - Conversation - Mar 6
I'm really good with Lili and Nina from Tekken. They are my two mains for that game.
Reply - Conversation - Mar 6
Haha, yeah, one of my buddies used to be a big fan of hers. My favourite fighting game series is Mortal Kombat but I don't think there's any character I've been better at using than Armor King from Tekken.
Reply - Conversation - Mar 6
Hey, who is your favourite fighting game character?
Reply - Conversation - Feb 10
Hi FatalPortrait. What do metal and goth people do if their scenes are dead? I was never really into those scenes, but I liked the fact that they existed
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