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Gaby, 28 y.o.
Leiden, Netherlands [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice


Joined 11 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 128.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 24, 2016
My college life will start on March so i am waiting now lol.
but what is the most interesting to me is a exchange student program. So i saw some foreigner students.
In my high school there aren't exchange students so it was interesting.
inactive user
I'm gonna message you soon as soon as i can, I keep forgetting to reply & so messaging is much easier for me. xD
Reply - Conversation - Jan 22, 2016
Very good. I entered nursing university now so i am enjoying real freedom life.
How about you?(i wrote a comment on your wall on 2014. Quite long time ago)
inactive user
LOL ikr! You'll be the new female version of Shakespear, aha.
Yeah actually it is, I discovered so many good songs & artist last year, because of that game. The game is actually an dancing game, so it has a lot of Music, but mainly k pop & anime. They just recently started adding English songs. But the game is called Touch International, ( The game is actually from China, but since alot of people don't really speak Chinese they decided to make a different server, called 3claws. Normally people from Indonesia, Philippines, USA & Alot of other places are on this server/region? idk. The game is actually really fun, and hard to play at times. You should check it out if your interested~

YEAH SAME, Idk why but Instrumental music puts me to sleep, or helps me relax like soft piano music. but i rarely listen too it. xD
Ikr, like some songs i've heard that were in night core form, was really horrible while others was amaazing. Whats your favorite nightcore song?
Reply - Conversation - Jan 22, 2016
Heyyy! I'm doing good, thanks for dropping me a message.
inactive user
Giiiirl, you better let that inner shake spear out! Don't hold back aha~ Ooo I've heard A-Cha, Most songs by suju is actually on an game i used to play along with alot of kpop & anime songs. (That's sorta how i found out about them). but WHY would they despise you for it? xD I haven't heard Machine, but i've heard Painkiller before. I'm into alot of genres actually, I have a weird taste in music tbh. The only genre i don't really like is, Jazz & some country. I've recently been into the whole pop rock(such as The Script or Mayday parade), night core & really good upbeat songs. They're like so amazing and gives me a really good mood omg.
inactive user
You should update your profile then, I'll definitely read it. *-* For the songs, I like a few songs such as BONAMANA, Mr. Simple & No other by Super Junior, Their beats are just amazing lol. Three days grace, um.. Lets say Over & Over, maybe? Wbu? What are your favorite songs by them?
inactive user
Hii! You're profile is actually interesting, i kinda enjoyed reading it pfft. I'm doing well, you? I realized some of the music you're interested, I've heard such as Three days Grace, Super Junior, Marina and the Diamonds & I think they're amazing. xD
Reply - Conversation - Jan 22, 2016
I'm pretty good! How are you?
Reply - Conversation - Sep 29, 2014
hai haaaaaaaaaaai its been a 100 years haven't it lol how ya dooin
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