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Roua, 37 y.o.
Bucharest, Romania [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice

Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 541.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 20, 2020
Hello Roua, nicem to meet yoy.
inactive user
Hi nice to meet you welcome to Dubai i hope u like
Reply - Conversation - Dec 1, 2010
woow ur sexy i wanna want to knw you pls
Reply - Conversation - Oct 21, 2010
hi... how are you... i am parthiban from india...
Reply - Conversation - Feb 26, 2010
ok no problem...

aha its yur favorite?
but in spb i was almost in ma hostel the first day...
sleeping and sleeping...))
it was about - 27 degree...
but hope it wont be terrible in moscow...

oh no...unbelievable...
but dont be scared...god will bless yu...
its difficult to make a normal life?
anyway it wont be seriously...and be happy in yur life...
i will pray for yu honestly...
and wanna see yu again when im travelling eu someday...

take it easy~~^^
Reply - Conversation - Feb 26, 2010
sure...magnet will be ok...and anything else?

oh no...take care and hope yur quick recovery...
Reply - Conversation - Feb 22, 2010
hey! im in russia...but too cold...
going to minsk tonight and then kiev, moscow...
hows yur day going?
hope yu everything ok...
inactive user
la multi ani

cu.m te simti?
inactive user
Hi there:)
inactive user
Hey, How are you?
Well, I am new here and would like to make some friends from Romania. I actually don't know many things about there. One thing I know is, about the castle of Dracula? I googled the castle the other day, and It existed! Oh, I think I am out of the point! I was just trying to say, that I know nothing about there. :P

Anyway, I read your profile and seems like we have got very similar hobbies! I LOVE traveling, food, photography and even collecting postcards! I always buy postcards whenever I travel, and it's really worth collecting them. Because it shows view, which I can't see easily. Like, the sky view, or something like that.

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