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Geys Baraja, 32 y.o.
Malang, Indonesia [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals
Flirting and romance

Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 89.
inactive user
alhamdulillah lancar.. ini lagi uts kak hehe
inactive user
Walah, aku fkip bahasa inggris di ums kok:') kamu?
inactive user
Haha sama aja
aku kuliah smt 3, kamu?
inactive user
Iya i..kamu anak arab ya :p
Reply - Conversation - Jul 14, 2013
hi too ! matursuwun :D
inactive user
Hi kaka hehe
cieee yg udah kuliah anak IT sibuk banget nih >_<
Apa kabar ka? Gmana kuliahnya?
inactive user
Oh oke
good night ka ^^
inactive user
Iya malu aja ><
Lg ntn tv, tp g tau ntn apa random aja nih.
Kaka internetan pke modem usb kah?
Kalo iya pake kartu apa?
inactive user
Ohahaha jadi malu eeuuuyyy >_<
Shy shy cat :P
iya libur jarang megang laptop hehe free of project.
Lg apa ka?
inactive user
Alhamdulillah sehat.
Oh haha ya skype'n lah ka kalo kangen :P
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