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It, 33 y.o.

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 91.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 17, 2010
hey haw r u nice pic are sexy girls
inactive user
oh great.. it takes now about a week to get my battery - but it takes 2 weeks to get my charger! what do i do with battery without a working charger? ;D just wondering..
oh boy.. i really hope it would be less hot! i am melting! atleast it's my holiday now and i dont need to sit in hot store serving 500 customers per day.. man that was too much in these temperatures!
i wish it was august already.. i kinda miss school :o i mean, my friends and i live so far away so we cant even meet during summer.. and yea, before school starts i meet someone special hehe =)
so, what you been up to?
inactive user
you can yodel! wow haha :D show me!
alright, i must say now, that i can reply a bit slower maybe, because i need to use my mom's computer and i really hate this old shit! but, i wont disappear ;)
so, anything new going on there?
here, i am just happy it's weekend.. finally i can relax.. its been so busy week..
inactive user
so hello! i'm writing you at 6:46 pm, had another day at work, not as busy as yesterday though.. but it really wasn't my day.. feel like i could go to sleep :D
yea, it is so nice to live on your own! need to start thinking of what you should do and what you should not do.. i moved out when i was turning 17.
hmm.. i'd say Zebrahead is my favorite band! but then, i also like Raaka-Aine, that's a finnish rock band.. really like them. but i really listen pretty much everything.. right now i listen to some waltz :D:D what about your?
inactive user
yes! a crazy time difference.. but i guess we can deal with it, right!?
ah well, this is just at summer job, and i been working there a little over month already.. so, it's soon time for a real summer holiday! :)
well.. i dont think i do lots today anymore.. probably just online, waiting for someone to get online.. and yea, i love my dog and i will play with him too, before it's time to sleep :)
inactive user
yea, i always keep forgetting the time differences, kinda crazy thing! well, the store i work in, is pretty much a grocery store, but they also sell lots of other stuff too.. 7 days left there.. don't wanna leave, haha!
what are you plans for the day? or, if you get back here to reply this after all your plans are done already.. what did you do :)
inactive user
hello Danielle! nice to hear from you!
and ofcourse, let's chat! :)
how's your day been?
i just got home from work some time ago.. so exhausted, kinda busy day, i'd say.. 373 customers + some other work at the store.. wow.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 28, 2009
ireland never reli gets to hot no hurricans/tornados etc
it can get a few degrees below zero durin the winter but nothin extre it rains alot tho more than your average country
Reply - Conversation - Sep 28, 2009
whats it like living smack bang in the middle of american is hot/deserty, forest/mild cold etc
Reply - Conversation - Sep 27, 2009
yeah i know wat ya mean no1 is happy with wer thy live lol
man u really wanna mov to ireland lol
i'd lik to liv in NY for a yr just to try it out but im a home booy i always find the best bit of a holiday abrod is when i land back home in doblin airport
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