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Dhina, 31 y.o.

Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 1472.
inactive user
inactive user
Thanks for viewing my page gal! :)

have a blast!
inactive user
Why do i have to be silver? Is there a gold knight? I'll kill him! :: jealous rage:: lol j/k
inactive user
Always! you my gold medal Lol
inactive user
Lol it will, just have to believe it will or wait for a certain, father type figure to get rich and spoil you senseless lol
inactive user
One day you will sweetie. I know thats my goal in life.
inactive user
More than likely here, at a party lol. I'm just ready for my vacation time to refill so I can travel again.
inactive user
Thats great. I'm alright, just waiting for the year to end so it can be next year already lol
inactive user
inactive user
Lol how are you sweetie?
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