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Craig, 29 y.o.
Larvik, Norway [Current City]


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Language practice
Postal pen pals


Joined 10 years ago, profile updated 8 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 64.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 15, 2020
How are you?
inactive user
Reply - Conversation - Nov 10, 2019
Haha, to be honest as much as I am of an odd one and not really into shirtless guys or anything, Jonny is definitely an exception. But it's the hair that does the job mostly, I love the This Is The Time video where they're all in the rain 😅 The whole energy in their songs is absolutely insane, it's to be listened to LOUD AF and screamed the lyrics out loud. I'm so jealous of my mate that went to see them on their tour with Papa Roach, mf got a ticket for £1.50 (!!) because of some website error and GOT IN AND GOT TO HEAR THEM LIVE. My heart cries a little every time I think about it 😅
Reply - Conversation - Nov 6, 2019
I'm not sure it's possible for me to choose without listing half of the NM album; I love the Ocean Floor going into This Is The Time, I love Jenny and Take a Bullet and I love the instrumentals with Alan Watts' speeches in them. And then there's the different sound in TSWTO and I just can't wrap my head around how great the lyrics are to each of their songs and how powerful the music is. And obviously Jonny's vocals! I'm fangirling 😅
Reply - Conversation - Nov 6, 2019
I am absolutely IN LOVE with Nothing More! They are incredible and I'm happy to find a fellow fan :D
inactive user
inactive user
Indonesian food are greaat, u should try them sometimes!
Reply - Conversation - May 18, 2018
Heey same goes to you! :D I was about to write to you yesterday, but I was so tired after work that I fell asleep... let me fix this hahaha
inactive user
No :o
Reply - Conversation - Feb 14, 2017
that's fantastic! so you're scottish eh. You can make shortbread biscuits?
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