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Kelsey, 37 y.o.

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 191.
Reply - Conversation - Feb 13, 2011
Saluton! Mi estas Nataŝa. Mi lernas esperanton kaj serĉas amikojn-esperantistojn, kiu helpos al mi. Estus bone, se vi skribus al mi :)
Reply - Conversation - Apr 7, 2010
Dog sitting could be fun I suppose - what typeof dog do your parents have?
You're lucky you only have to go to high school for four years - I think the 6 we have to do are way too long!!
Have you got anything exciting planned for the weekend?
inactive user
Hi! I can help you with your Afrikaans
Reply - Conversation - Mar 26, 2010
No problem, I think I've left you for ages before anyway : D
I've just finished for my spring holidays too - I'm so pleased I can finally just relax : ) Have you got anything planned?
High school takes six years in the UK, altough you can leave after for if you want. Not that I've got anything to compare it too, but I went to a pretty good school with good departments and stuff so as far as I know education here is ok.
There is still some Gaelic spoken here, and there are Gaelic radio stations and a tv channel, but its kind of dying out I think. Its only really spoken in the Highlands and even there I don't think its compulsary in schools, its a bit of a shame I suppose.
inactive user
have a msn ID?
I want to be a friend to you^^
inactive user
Heyy thanks for looking at my profile :)
Reply - Conversation - Mar 17, 2010
In high school, we had to study a forgein language, well French was really the only option, until your 4th year at high school, and then you could drop it, but I studied it until my 5th year. They also offered Spanish, but the was as well as French and I reckon I would have struggled with two languages. We don't have to study any languages at uni, which is pretty good for me becuase I wasn't great at it.
I'd love to do some travelling after I finish university, but I don't think I could live in another country when I'm older. I would miss all my family, and just being in Scotland - even though the weather is terrible and its a pretty small place, I would miss it way too much
Reply - Conversation - Mar 12, 2010
do u pick chopsuey cause of the song of SOAD?
this song is awsome...!
and if you go i wanna go with you
and if you die i wanna die with you!!
luv it!
et tu parles bien français donc a ce que je vois non?
what about esperanto always found that strange no?
Reply - Conversation - Mar 10, 2010
Sorry, just realised I didn't message you back - I was probably trying to mix studying with mucking about on here and facebook!!
Yeah, I would be completely hopeless going somewhere where I would have to learn another language - I studied French up until my second last year of high school, but it was never my strong point!! So trying to learn a language like Japanese sounds really scary to me!!
Its so good you've got plans and ambitions to travel and study and live abroad - I think I love where I live and being close to all my family too much, but once I have finished my degree it would be great to take a few months to just relax and maybe visit a few places.
Reply - Conversation - Mar 8, 2010
hi, how are you doing today? it's always nice to meet another guy from wisconsin on here.
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