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Ceeeeel, 28 y.o.
Naga, Philippines [Current City]

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Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 1329.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 2, 2016
Reply - Conversation - Sep 12, 2015

Red Platter of Graceland Food Industries Inc. at the Cereza Compound of Magsaysay Avenue, has been home to many Naguenos, not only that the place itself was formerly a home but home to a menu so deliciously cooked at home.

Naga City is home to a wide variety of places on where to eat depending upon your budget, taste, and preference. While some enjoy the San Francisco Food Court aka Face-the-Wall of the city, others take an extra mile of budget at Masaysay Avenue which is mostly awake till dawn. Red Platter can always make your day special making you feel at home and relax while sharing stories with friends, officemates or your family members.

The study aimed service operation of Red Platter Restaurant ad will discuss point of consideration advantageous to the community.

Significance of the study

The significance of this study will be value to those involved in the service operation of the restaurant.

HRM STUDENT – finding of the study will provide brighter outlook relevant and to operating similar business of their own.

OPERATOR OF THE BUSINESS – will provide additional ideas about their strengths and weaknesses which will be the basis for improvement of their business.

HRM FACULTY – provide additional information which can be introduced in their lessons and may be able to identify skills manifested by student for improvement in their practicum activities.

FUTURE RESEARCHER - the study will provide information on how to undertake a research of similar study in the future.


The following terminologies are hereby presented for understanding of some words used in the study.

Receiving Control-
Purchasing –
Service person – individual who has the responsibility of the serving the guest their meal.often this person called a waiter or waitress.
Reply - Conversation - Feb 1, 2013
Let's talk someday ^^
Reply - Conversation - Oct 15, 2012
hey WASSUP mah nigga?! XD
Reply - Conversation - Sep 24, 2012
Very good :) I'm happy now that you finally answered <3
Reply - Conversation - Sep 21, 2012
Jancel <3 you don't answer me :( How are you?
Reply - Conversation - Sep 3, 2012
Janceeeeeeel! How are you??
Reply - Conversation - Sep 3, 2012
ui besh!!!!!!!!
Reply - Conversation - Aug 31, 2012
hoy ma chat kita sa skype...
add mo ko..

Reply - Conversation - Aug 27, 2012
The life in my country very good :) So, do you live near coast?
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