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Cassie0789, 35 y.o.
Le Claire, United States [Current City]



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Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 112.
inactive user
No worries on the late reply. I know I'm not always exactly timely with mine, either.

The hike was fine. My feet were killing me and my knees felt funny, but it was certainly doable. I think we could've easily knocked out the 25 mile hike, too - only 7 more miles.

Be sure to study thoroughly so you pass your test the first time. Let me know how that goes. :D
Reply - Conversation - Mar 17, 2010
haha that kinda sucks. good experience though right?
Reply - Conversation - Mar 17, 2010
lol no worries. thats pretty sweet though. i wish i could say i was close to doing something haha. if anything ill be an intern this summer for a construction company after i come back from japan
inactive user
thats coold, srry about the late reply just been busy with school, so did u start ur class yet?
Reply - Conversation - Mar 14, 2010
hey, sorry for replying so late. im pretty fine, you?
inactive user
Hey. :D

Things have been alright here. Just going through work as always. We got a hike later tonight, starts at 02.30 in the morning.. 18 miles. My legs and my feet are already worn out. I'm going to be dying. Whatever though.. it's almost the weekend.

How are things with you?
Reply - Conversation - Mar 9, 2010
hey! not much really just been getting on with the daily school grind. pretty lame actually. can't wait for spring break haha

how about you?
Reply - Conversation - Mar 9, 2010
Happy Womens Day
inactive user
hii im doing fine! how about you, really thats cool, how do u like the cna class?
inactive user
hahahaha yea, mee to.
but when I was a kid, I always wanted to be an only child.
my sister was born when I was 6 in korean age.
an at that time I live in Big familly
my big aunt, her husban, their son who is same age of me, my small aunt, her husband, grand parents and of course with my parents AND PET (two dog! one is big dog and the other is small one~)
since I had these many familly members who care me and love me a lot, I hate my sister get their love which supposed to face on me
yeah, I thought like that at that time.
funny isn't it? what a kids think....
anyway, I do not live in big familly anymore and I'm thanks to my sister's existance thoguh sometimes which she were never born lol
and ofcourse with my parents and
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