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Rosemary, 72 y.o.
Seaton, United Kingdom [Current City]


Looking for

Postal pen pals

Joined 9 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

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How are u doing. I hope u are fine
Reply - Conversation - Mar 28, 2016
****o my friend I just checked my email but I didn't receive any emails from you sorry my friend ,we are fine here and it seams that summer is already here ,hope you are fine too
Hugs amy
Reply - Conversation - Mar 3, 2016
Hello my friend ,Thanks for your nice words my email is [email protected] I like to see your pets ,and its good thing that you take them to be washed and groomed ,and thanks again for asking me when my birthday is well its on the 16 of this month and yours can you tell me yours and give me the address as well pls ,,and yes you did well that you saw where my living place is Hamrun is very nice and we have lots of shops too ,today I had a very hard day at work but now I am already in bed cause iam very tiered and no you are not disturbing me I like having a friend like you.I hope we will meet 1 of the days that you will be in Malta I know where the Santana Hotel is so no problem ,have to go my friend and thanks again for writing to me and sorry if I don't answer you back soon good night Love Amy
Reply - Conversation - Mar 1, 2016
Hello thanks for understanding ,we live in Hamrun its in the center of Malta ,,about pets at the moment we have a parrot she is very nice but as you said when she is in a bad mood she bites ,we have 2 birds as well and my husband have some chickens too we love all animals but I love dogs more than anything else ,when do you think you are coming to malta than ,,love Amy
Reply - Conversation - Feb 29, 2016
HI ,thanks for writing back ,I think you understood me wrong cause I don't teach the students but we host the students who come to study in Malta cause I have some extra rooms that's why ,we do breakfast for them before they go to school and we do some lunch to take with them as well ,then after school we give them dinner and they go out with their leader so as iam telling you we keep people like in a small hotel ,about my family I have 2 boys and 1 girl the boys are married and 1 of them has 2 boys age 7 years and 5 years ,,the other one has 1 boy of 1year and 5 months ,my daughter lives with her partner which is a girl too I hope you understand me what I mean have to go hope to talk next time
Hugs Amy
Reply - Conversation - Feb 28, 2016
Hello Rosemary ,long time that we didn't talk ,but life for me its very busy iam always at work or with the students that I keep in my house but no problem when you want just leave some lines and I will answer back when I come in here ,Hugs Amy
Reply - Conversation - Aug 10, 2015
Hi dear well Iam married too and have 3 grownup children and 3 grandsons too ,I work as a child career and I host families and students at my house too hope we will stay friends hope to hear from you soon Hugs Amy
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