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Anouska , 31 y.o.
London, United Kingdom [Current City]


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Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 183.
inactive user
inactive user
ah I'm really good, just working (A LOT) but I'm good. I'm off to Oz in September.

How are you doing?
inactive user
LOOK who it is
Reply - Conversation - Aug 14, 2012
hi how are you
Reply - Conversation - Jul 12, 2012
Thanks for the profile view? :')

Didn't feel like leaving a message? xD How are you anyways?
You like Camden too xD good choice :D
inactive user
I knew it! Ha!
inactive user
Oh my. I love Cookie Dough Ice Cream. Haha
Anyway. You are very pretty! ^.^

Take care. Bye!
inactive user

fancy coming back online? ;)
inactive user
Quite alright! Ooooh, you do? you should join the server I play on! I'm actually a moderator on it, so y'know even better.

That's my strategy too. 2nd week, yep, definitely. My holiday was productive to begin with, I went to Oxford last saturday and then me and a friend went and checked out this abandoned hospital. Apart from that, nothing!

Om nom, easter eggs. I got a few, slowly eating them: Not really too bothered to be honest haha
inactive user
Not going to lie, I forgot about this! Took me a moment to acknowledge what you were talking about! haha

My day's been pretty good, I should SHOULD be working/revising - but no, I took my dog out and played minecraft most of the day! :P
How was your day? :)
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