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BigBrother998, 35 y.o.
Fort Wayne, United States [Current City]

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Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 40.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 30, 2010
hallu. i'm in fort wayne and was looking for relatively interesting people in the area, wondering: what the heck do you do with your time? i can never find anything to do in fort wayne except hang out at the libraries.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 21, 2010
hi~ how are you?!!!^^
inactive user
i really like yuor teeth
well~nice to meet you!
Reply - Conversation - Dec 10, 2008
I tried knitting once. Disaster much? It started off with 10 or so stitches then it became this massive disaster of yarn and holes. I didn't have the heart to give it away to anyone. Ironed plastic bags- that sounds cool. I'm better with paper things I think though. Maybe make some ornaments perhaps. Where do you get your ideas from to make these things? I guess the internet helps. Any DIY books/sites you'd suggest?
Reply - Conversation - Dec 10, 2008
Read Haunted, its by him and its very good. Post Office by Charles Bukowski is good. It's also a little weird, and at times the author comes off mean, but its good. I liked it. I haven't read much lately, or remembered what I've read. Lot of lame articles. I hear Kurt Vonnegut writes good books, but I've not had the chance to look through much of them lately.

I read in your profile you like to make things and not buy them. Have any good ideas of homemade non consumer gifts for the holidays?
Reply - Conversation - Dec 10, 2008
Hey how's it going? I love Chuck Palahniuk books. Which one is your favourite? Have you seen the Choke movie? It's fairly good. I haven't seen the Fight Club one. The book was pretty amazing though.

Fahrenheit 541 was also a good book. Did you see the movie for that one? It was made in the 60's or 70's I think. It was very good. I thought it captured the book well, and all of the actors looked really beautiful in that vintage way.
inactive user
could you make me one, please? lol
inactive user
Hows it going?
Reply - Conversation - Dec 7, 2008
Hallo. Met mij gaat alles goed. Met jou? (hello. With me everything is alright. With you?)
Yeah, I also use translation-sites sometimes, but they're not always that good..
Hmm ok, I understand why you didn't really find it special (the lake in Canada I mean), because you live near lakes. I would definately like it. What do you think are the interesting parts of Canada?
I saw some videos (documentaries, I think) about Gandhi. I loved those videos. I know a lot of 'quotes' of him too. I think I'll put his autobiography on my "to read"-list. Because now I'm curious what's in the book..
Reply - Conversation - Dec 6, 2008
Hallo! Alles goed? / Hoe gaat het? (Hi, everything alright? / how are you?)
Canada must be great too. Or didn't you see a lot with the fishing trip? I also think back packing would be fun! I also hope you'll see something this summer then!
Aah, that's great, that you decided to not eat animals anymore, after reading Gandhi's autobiography! I have no idea what's in his autobiography, what he described, etc. Maybe I should read it too :P
Okay, so you do have some plans after graduating. Why you wanna join the Peace Corps? Or not a particular reason?
What countries would you like to see?
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