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Have you received my letter?
Tack för profilbesöket
Hello! I may be a terrible penpal but i'd like to exchange a lot of ideas with you. I think you are a very interesting person and you have a lot of wonderful things to say other than the usual one-sentence conversation that ends there. How is medical school going on?
Hey lovely!
Looks like we prefer the same things in penpals. Are you currently looking for a new penpal? I'd be more than happy to hear from you! I usually write more esp in letters but I'm on the phone right now.
Berlin greetings
Looks like we prefer the same things in penpals. Are you currently looking for a new penpal? I'd be more than happy to hear from you! I usually write more esp in letters but I'm on the phone right now.
Berlin greetings
You have some pretty travel photos! I would like to read something about them :)

Har kollat på den flera gånger nu..
Hoppas Youtube fattar och rekommenderar mig en lång rad liknande videor :P
Hoppas Youtube fattar och rekommenderar mig en lång rad liknande videor :P
Nej, den hade jag inte sett.
Tack, den är perfekt!! :D
Tack, den är perfekt!! :D
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