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Astrael1983, 41 y.o.
Auckland, New Zealand [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice


Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 5 of 5.
inactive user
Hi, how are you?
Reply - Conversation - Oct 22, 2011
hello from usa. you have a good taste in moves. Can I ask you a small queston.What is the atmosphere like in auckland right now. On the world cup final day?

I have allways wanted to vist new zealand.someday I will.
inactive user
I really think Spain is better than France but it's my point of view you can't be agree with me.
Oh here in Europe no countries attract me I prefer Asia especially South-Korea, China, Taiwan... here all is same so I want see something new ^^

Yeah since I'm little. In fact, my dad was a big fan of Bruce Lee so I grown up with him and I still interested me in Asia. So I think all is cuz my dad. I started with movie and after I was more curious and wanna learn more so I try to understand cultures,traditions,music,languages... some typicals things. And since that while I never stopped ^^

Wow you saw so many things I want to see too in China !! But if I can I would love to make a trip everywhere in Asia like Korea,China,Japan,Tibet,Phillipines... all lol
I advice you to visit Spain it's wonderful and for example Barcelona is magic by night ^^ People are talkative, warm, they just enjoy life it's the part that I love the most.

No I will try so ^^ you know here many chinese restaurants so we can just eat typicals meals that's why I try to cook my self others ^^
In Spain the typical meal is called Paella, but you have too the famous things like tortilla, tapas ( they're many sorts of food to eat before the meal )... you should try ^^
inactive user
thank you for my english but I need to improve it too. Yeah I can understand your work field is stressful and must be hard too. I really hope so, I want try to become lawyer or prosecutor in international way.

Yeah I understand for holidays you must miss it. France is wonderful for places, all is great and amazing you discover every day something new and like where I live just 2 hours by car and I can be in moutains, or beach, or country or Spain. South it's a nice place.
But Paris still the most romantic city by night you should show it to your girlfriend ^^

Yeah of course I saw that trilogy,and places are wonderful that's why I think you're lucky to live in New-Zealand.
inactive user
thank you for reading it, cuz it seem to be a very long profile ^^
At that time, I'm in holidays now so I'm not too bvusy than before.

I will be very happy to be your friend, I'm looking too for good friends. You too, you seem to have a great life and more busy than me. So you work in New-Zealand, I envy you it look very interesting and awesome country.

I will be happy to talk with you too ^^ just hope my english is understandable :s lol

see you
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