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Arthur, 24 y.o.
Chervonohrad, Ukraine [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice

Joined 11 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 15.
inactive user
I have one sister, what about you. I cannot look at any links you send me because they won't work in different countries. Sorry.
inactive user
GOOD and you? (There's no 'the'.)

It's alright. Sometimes I get timezones mixed up as well.
inactive user
Okay. I'm super sorry for the late reply. Hi. And yep, I can use the Internet on my phone. It's what I'm doing right now. How are you?
inactive user
It's 2:05 pm where I live in America. In other parts of the country it's a different time.
inactive user
ARE you here? I AM bored.

I'm sorry. I'm just using my phone and I'm logged in the account on it so it says I'm logged in. I seriously have to go thoguh. I'll log out that way it doesn't say I'm logged in when I'm not online. I'm not supposed to use my phone at the table and was just replying to my friend's text.
inactive user
I have to go and eat lunch but I will talk with you more later.
inactive user
I'm sorry. I had to help my mom carry something downstairs.
inactive user
Yeah. I like rock. But not classic rock, I prefer the new stuff.
inactive user
Sure. When I copied and pasted it into the translator I got, "Hi my name is Arthur".

Though, I understand what you mean. Google translate messes up a lot for me when I have to translate things from English to other languages. :(
Reply - Conversation - Feb 13, 2014 want to look at my root translator?(it is also a translator)Translate this phrase into English "Привет меня зовут Артур"
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