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Anon, 35 y.o.
Auckland, New Zealand [Current City]


Looking for


Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 12 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 802.
Reply - Conversation - Nov 18, 2011
I really like the John Gielgud quote you have on your profile!
Are you playing in any production lately?
I suck in starting to write to new people haha ^^ I hope this is good enough to reply to ;)

Greetings from coooold Holland
Reply - Conversation - Jul 3, 2011
Hey I've been meening to reply sooner but I wanted to come up with something more interesting than "hi how are u" :)
Yeah I had a ball in Australia... especially Sydney because one of my sisters has been living there for 3 years. I didn't make to queensland unfortunately but many people say it's a very cool place so I guess it's a good excuse to visit your end of the world again :)

I never get tired of Paris, it's a great city with lot's to do. The only thing is I don't live in actual Paris but about 30mins away by car. Versailles is very nice but people here kind of take it for granted I think... We tend to forget about what's just in front of our eyes. I must go back soon!

Wellington looks really nice (I just googled it ha!). I'd love to live somewhere along the sea where the weather is good and where the people are easy going. A lot of french people are quit serious (not all though!)

Hope your play went well. I'm on holidays right now, enjoying my break from uni.
Talk soon
inactive user
my name is kevin
from italy
nice to meet you ^^
inactive user
Wow, that really is a profound production! Would surely have loved to be part of such a play.

Haha it sure does seem like it! Well good luck with that, I hope u really enjoy it.. :D
So how long have u been acting then?

It's quite easy really, just say the words as they read.. (just pretty difficult to help with pronunciation at this point lol).

It's going pretty well I guess, have just been meeting with "music people" mostly but hopefully will start performing by next week.. (thanks for asking :) )
inactive user
hehee hello there..

no not quite, actually focusing on my music for the time being. haha ohh, well good luck tonight! and no worries, am sure you'll find something :D, congrats - what's the next one about?

haha cool! uhm simply; "Hello, hoe gaan dit?" ..
Reply - Conversation - Jul 1, 2011
Hey :) I'm Paul from Paris, i'm interested in New Zealand so I'm trying to meet people from there. I've been to Oz before but didn't make it to NZ. We can speak in english or french, as u want ! If you're interested drop a line :)
Reply - Conversation - Jun 1, 2011
Im pretty sure I did reply to this!
Reply - Conversation - Feb 28, 2011
Sorry to see about the earthquake in Christchurch. May your country recover rapidly. Is the world cup going to be postponed or what?
Reply - Conversation - Aug 21, 2010
hii taba taba im katie! :D how are ya? XD
inactive user
Yeah I saw that top gear episode with Rupert Grint in lol who would have known he owned an ice cream van lol. And yes I can't wait to see the narnia film either I like the films anyway but with ben barnes in it, its a bonus for sure! No I haven't seen inception I saw step up 3 the other bored me and was a typical film where you could guess what was happening.

Awww yeah next top model is getting worse for models isn't it. I read online that in the american version there was a ridicious sized girl which miss jay could put both his hands completely wrapped around her waist ugggghhh no wonder girls want to be skinny...curvy girls are soooo much more better or so im told lol.

So yeah not been up to too much hun. Just been working, doing uni research, ummm getting to grips with some new piano pieces as in songs lol and having the odd meal with family and friends...ahhh the dull life for sure.

Hug from me too. Love P xxx
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