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Alba, 38 y.o.
Barcelona, Spain [Current City]

Looking for

Postal pen pals

Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 82.
inactive user
Hi Alba,

Qué tal estás? Qué buena pinta tienen esos cupcakes ;)

Soy David, de Barcelona. Mis idiomas nativos son catalán, castellano, y hablo decentemente inglés.

Ante la dificultad de encontrar nativos, he pensado que te puede interesar la idea de practicar de vez en cuando inglés charlando sobre cualquier tema, tomando una taza de té en alguna cafetería?

Saludos :)

inactive user
Hello pretty how are u doing,
inactive user
you have great taste in music, lady! :)
inactive user
its cool that you play in a band.. this weekend im going to my friend's cd release party.. :)
inactive user
ohh you watch anime huh
inactive user
cool.. you know larc en ciel also?
inactive user
ha.. its funny you like many bands but you dont like any of my fave bands.
inactive user
I would choose that one as well.
inactive user
What is your favourite Rush album?
inactive user
I have seen Status Quo twice, Uriah Heep, Elton John, The Moody Blues, Styx, Journey and Foreigner.
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