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Adinda1, 27 y.o.

Joined 10 years ago, profile updated 9 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 22.
Reply - Conversation - Mar 4, 2015
Happy B'Day
Reply - Conversation - Aug 18, 2014
you're welcome ^^
inactive user
Oh, I see.
Its name is torii.
There are some kinds of torii such as red, black and so on.
inactive user
Thank you for your comment on my photo. But I can't understand what did you mean.
Can you let me know ?
inactive user
you can tell them that I invited them to
inactive user
and how will your parents I would like one day you visit africa I am togolait
inactive user
and how will your parents I would like one day you visit africa I am togolait
inactive user
ok you were on vacation, is not it
inactive user
ok what do you do in life
inactive user
you voi I make an effort to talk about I'm speaking country
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