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A_STYLE, 30 y.o.
Sydney, Australia [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice
Flirting and romance


Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 444.
inactive user
Hey thanks for visiting :)
inactive user
Okay never mind then
inactive user
Lol derrrrr im like hey white trash lady ur white trash mother is on the phone for u :P she probably wants to talk about white trash things xDDDDD
And you're still comin on sat. I'll make you.
inactive user
Who calls them own mum white trash? XD oh yeh me :P
inactive user
My mums cool :P she likes niggas LMFAO NO JOKE she loves em she called her own my (my grandma) white trash HAHA O_O!!!!!!
inactive user
What boss =.= ur dad :P
inactive user
Probably saturday! I fkn hope the weather isent like this !!!!!!! And his name is Michael Youssef u can look him up on my Facebook ! His half lebo half Egyptian haha >_>
And if u don't come I'll throw brick at ur window :p
inactive user
NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! You're fkn coming dammit!!
We are going on Friday or Saturday u can't be busy on both days :P
inactive user
We could go anywhere! We can go livo or burwood parra
We're just gunna go out watch a movie get some food buy some stuff come on broooooo it's gunna be fun :) just me and my other friend and u so yeah I'm forcing u to come =)
inactive user
Bro I'm in Liverpool every week -_- you never see me bittchh! =( come to parra this sat I'm going with 1 friend and you're coming =)
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