Secretly, 34 y.o.
11 years ago,
profile updated
7 years ago.
Displaying posts 1
to 10
of 44.
I did not know Interpals for a mobile app. But thanks tho!
Can't teach you Persian, but would love to learn Arabic.
Can't teach you Persian, but would love to learn Arabic.
How did you get to the States ? U.S Visa is very difficult business nowadays...
Didn't know that interpals has a mobile app, anyways, hope you're having a good day
My name is Kaspars. Greetings from Ireland (:
having a friend in Latin America? :)
تشرفت بمقابلتك.
نأمل ان نتمكن من ان نكون اصدقاء.
تحيات من فلوريدا المشمسة
hey. i wanna talk with you/
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