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Carlos, 31 y.o.
San Antonio, United States [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals
Flirting and romance


Joined 10 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 10.
inactive user
Probably Eyeshield 21 haha

Yes! I've applied to UT Austin and Texas State c:
I live in the South Side and work at China Rose haha
inactive user
Im aware omg!! But it holds a really special place in my heart so yeah :p haha just kidding

I'm a senior in high school! I do work at a restaurant though, but that hardly counts as being a worker haha ':u
inactive user
Probably Ikkicon in Austin, maybe Mizumii-con here at OLLU
I've played Dissidia, FF7, and FF8! I kept up with the KH series way more haha, i kinda grew up with it c:
inactive user
You know the South Park game that came out, The Stick of Truth? I'm doing Stan's outfit from that game c: also i might work on Kingdom Hearts cosplay soon, I'm just not sure which..
inactive user
i think they're all from the same company?? idk actually it's hard to keep track
that sounds like an interesting tattoo omg, lots of conversations will surely start because of it
inactive user
Vocaloid is a weird umbrella term for robot singers!
Do you have anything in mind for watching??
inactive user
No worries man c:
I've cosplayed Stan Marsh from South Park, Karkat Vantas and Rose Lalonde from Homestuck, Romano from Hetalia, and I plan to do more cosplays from anime or vocaloid c:
inactive user
That sounds cool whoa! I should check that out :o
Aawww haha, why do you say you don't fit in??
inactive user
I do! I learn a lot more every time i make a cosplay :3 also i love San Japan, i go every year haha
inactive user
Hey Carlos!
I would say about 4 years now! :3
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