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Luna , 30 y.o.

Joined 9 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 24.
inactive user
It makes me so happy to see more of my kind! I used to get angry when people told me that there were plenty of fish in the sea, but now it's okay as I feel there are enough of my kind to search for the right one.

Also, I wrote a short story years ago which featured The Pointer Sisters. It was about an elephant called Ethel that really wanted hands.
Reply - Conversation - Oct 18, 2015
Not sure i know that one. I mainly use Soraka, Ashe, Sona and Kalista
Reply - Conversation - Oct 18, 2015
Favorite LoL toon?
I recently started playing. I need a new computer to play and keep up
Reply - Conversation - Oct 18, 2015
Damn right i will!! Now to find the other weird things we have in common. Pokemon lover?
Reply - Conversation - Oct 17, 2015
Yes!!!! Toto for the win! I have not met anyone on here that likes toto. You just win major points!!
inactive user
Stalkpasser. I let Syrians and Danish go through my lands without prosecuting them.
inactive user
Lol that's the big challenge though hahah seeing ppl drinking and u should not do it cuz u have a challenge-beat me if u can- :p
inactive user
From the 16th (tomorrow) till the 16th of the of November,hmm can u deal with that ? 3:)
inactive user
I have a good challenge for u how about no beer for one month , can u do it ? (I know that your country is very cold and ppl drink to be warm well idk of that's true)
inactive user
Hmm actually I don't drink alcohol (weird haha) but how about drinking while running o.O (don't try this at home or school like WWE)
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